Course Syllabus

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COURSE SYLLABUS MATH 138-424– Statistics

Fall 2016 / 4 Semester Hours

Tuesday, Thursday from 3:30 pm to 5:20 pm , N 200    


Instructor       Arthur Hairumian


Phone             (301)-281-7466

Office Hours/Location:   Before the class, room N 200


In this course, students will develop the skills necessary to examine basic statistical terminology, display, describe, and analyze categorical and quantitative data, and calculate measures of central location and variation.  The student will additionally examine the normal distribution, correlation, and regression analysis, sampling, hypothesis testing, the chi square test, and probability related to statistics.  Classes will require the use of a statistical package.  (4 hours weekly)

Prerequisite: MATH-037 or MATH-070 or higher and English 096 or higher or appropriate placement scores.

 Required Materials

  • Canvas – The online gradebook and other materials for this course are located on Canvas, HCC’s online course system. Access Canvas at or via the link on the HCC homepage.  Your HCC Login ID is the same as your email address (skip the part) and the Password is your email/campus resources password.
  • MyLab
    • You must purchase an access code that provides access to the electronic textbook (Intro Stats by DeVeaux, Velleman and Bock, 4rd edition), online homework, StatCrunch, and additional course resources. Locate these resources (including e-book) using the MyLab and Mastering tab within Canvas.
    • A hard copy of the textbook is optional but recommended. You can buy a combination NEW book with code or you can buy a separate code through the website and then purchase a used textbook.  Only the code is required.
  • TI-83 or 84 graphing calculator. You may not use a TI-89, TI-92, or TI-Nspire calculator.

Class Attendance

Although attendance is not required, it will be taken and it should be noted that successful completion of the course objectives will be extremely difficult without regular attendance.  Arriving on time and staying for the entire class are also important. 

 Grading: Class activities will be assigned and graded throughout the semester.  Your grade will be calculated based on the following weights:

             7.5% will come from online (Pearson MyLab) homework from each chapter

            7.5% will come from hand-in homework or in-class activities (instructor discretion)

            15% will come from a comprehensive Project which will be submitted in three parts.

            45% of your grade will come from three unit exams

  • You will not be allowed to use StatCrunch on the unit exams. However, you will be able to use your calculator.  And, you will be given a 4x6” index card (both sides) on which you can put anything you want.  Really!        
  • There are no make-up or retake exams! Missed exams receive a grade of 0.  (Exceptions: You have spoken to me ahead of time and arrangements have been made or you have a verifiable

            25% of your grade will come from the comprehensive final exam.

  • No StatCrunch on the final exam. You will be able to use your calculator and a 5x8” index card (both sides).  There is no make-up on the final exam.
  • The final exam for this section of MATH-138 is on December 13, Tuesday from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM.   The room will be announced at the end of the semester.

 Final Exam Replacement Policy:

  • The final exam is a critically important component of your total course grade that measures your overall understanding of the course material – and it consists of questions from Unit 1, Unit 2, and Unit 3.
  • In addition to an overall final exam score, you will receive three individual percentage scores corresponding to material from each unit. That is, you will receive a percentage score for the Unit 1 questions, a percentage score for the Unit 2 questions, and a percentage score for the Unit 3 questions. You can replace one of your unit exam percentage scores (including a zero due to a missed exam) with the corresponding percentage score on the final exam where you improved the most. If all three percentage scores on your final exam are lower than your respective unit exam percentage scores, none of your unit exam scores will be replaced. Note that only one unit exam score can be replaced and your overall final exam score is a separate grade that does not get replaced (irrespective of your scores on the unit exams). This replacement policy is not available for a unit exam on which a student received a zero due to academic dishonesty.

            Your final grade will be:         A if you receive 90% of the total points.

                                                            B if you receive 80-89% of the total points.

                                                            C if you receive 70-79% of the total points.

                                                            D if you receive 60-69% of the total points.

                                                            F if you receive below 60% of the total points.

I if you have completed 90% of the work and the missed 10% resulted because of an emergency.

Other Course Information

This course may be used as a Mathematics core course or as a Mathematics elective.  Check your transfer institution to guarantee transferability.

 All students will learn how to use the StatCrunch statistical package as part of this course.  Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency in using statistical software as part of their Capstone project.  Students who plan to transfer to another institutional are advised to retain work as a means to demonstrate their technological competency.

For withdrawal and other deadlines please log into myHCC and follow the link for My Tuition Refund and Withdrawal Deadlines in the self-service menu. 

 Other information can be found at

   Disability Accommodation

Any student who may need an accommodation due to a disability must contact the HCC office of Disability Support Services in RCF 302 (443-518-1300).  A memo from this office listing your accommodation will be needed in order to provide the modification to normal course procedures.

Academic Honesty

Academic dishonesty is a serious matter.  Working together on homework is a great way to understand hard concepts.  In fact, I encourage you to form study groups.  However, you will be expected to hand in your own work for out-of-class activities.  No cell phones, notes, or ebooks are allowed on quizzes and/or exams.  Calculators will be checked for inappropriate information stored in memory.  Any breach of academic honesty will incur a grade penalty based on the college policy found in your student handbook.  Also, your name and the circumstances will be sent to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.  For more information, read the Academic Honesty Policy in your student handbook.

Weather-Related Cancellations

Weather-related class cancellations due to weather emergencies will be published on the HCC website.  Cancellations will also be aired on local radio and television stations affiliated with the three major networks between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.  Special attention should be paid to confirm whether closing decisions apply to the county school system or HCC, credit, non-credit, day and/or evening courses.  If classes are cancelled any time after school opens, announcements will be made in the same manner.  A recorded message will be played on the college’s main telephone number, 443-518-1000. 

Late Opening Policy

If the college has a late opening and there are more than 30 minutes of time left in the scheduled class at the late opening time, the class will meet for the remaining class time.

Early Closing Policy

If the college will be closing early and there will be more than 30 minutes of time available for the scheduled class before the college closes, the class will meet during the available time.

 Class Policies

  • Use of cell phones or the computer during class is not allowed. If you must have your cell phone on, for important or emergency reasons only, please put it on a silent (or vibrating) ring mode.  If you receive a call, please step out of the room while you talk.
  • Regular attendance is essential to your success. You cannot participate if you are not here!   If it is necessary to miss a class, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what happened in class that day and to come to the next class prepared to actively participate.
  • Being late for class will also put you at a disadvantage. Class will start on time every day.   If you are having difficulty making class on time, please let me know.
  • MATHEMATICS IS NOT A SPECTATOR SUBJECT! To be successful in a math class, it is important that you spend time working problems and studying the material.  It is not enough to do the homework.  You must also read the text and review your notes.  Your goal is to understand the work, not just be able to duplicate the process.  You will be expected to answer questions that involve concepts as well as process.

Tips for Success:

  • Student Responsibility:
    • Students are ultimately responsible for their own learning and success in all courses, including this one.  If you have to miss class, you are responsible for finding out what you missed such as obtaining notes from a classmate.  Please review the course materials available online, read the corresponding textbook chapters, and review the worked examples in the text.  Then try some problems from the textbook.  If you need additional help after having done these things, contact me ASAP. 
    • Students are expected to dedicate at least 2 hours of study time for every single hour of in class time.  For a 4 credit course, this means you should expect to devote at least 8hours of at-home study and homework time per week in addition to class time.  If you are not prepared to make this commitment, you are advised to reconsider taking this course.
  • Extra Help
    • Drop in tutoring is available in the Walk-in Lab at Howard Community College in the Hickory Ridge Building (HR230). There is a schedule available which indicates who staffs the lab at what times.  Some blocks will indicate STAT if the instructor has experience teaching/tutoring statistics.  Please make note of these times and plan to get walk-in help at times when someone knowledgeable about statistics is available to help.

Individual tutoring is available by request through the Learning Assistance Center.  Walk-in tutoring may be available, please call the Learning Assistance Center to confirm hours and availability of tutors.  It takes time to be assigned a tutor so sign up EARLY!

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Course Summary:

Date Details Due